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Where does 'syllabus' originate?
Posted by A_Swing_Learner
4/22/2017  9:07:00 AM
This is a naive question, I'm sure.

By googling, I found this East Coast Swing syllabus:


Since I'm new to the concept of a Bronze/Silver/Gold syllabus in dance (I'm aware of syllabi in other fields, so I know what a syllabus is), I'm curious as to who defines this ECS syllabus. Presumably, some dance organization.

Thanks in advance for enlightening this newbie!
Re: Where does 'syllabus' originate?
Posted by terence2
4/23/2017  8:37:00 AM

There are several claimants for todays " Syl "..

Laure Haille ( spelling may be different ), who worked briefly for A. Murray's in the late 40s and 50s,put the 1st one together at that time.

There have been additions over the years , from several sources . And, there are steps in the Syl, that were co-opted from other dances .

If you want a detailed history, go to Dance Forums and the Swing section. There is a biographer (Steve Pastor ) who has written numerous articles, on Swing in general.
Re: Where does 'syllabus' originate?
Posted by A_Swing_Learner
4/23/2017  3:43:00 PM
Thanks, Terence2. That's very helpful.
Re: Where does 'syllabus' originate?
Posted by terence2
4/24/2017  10:34:00 PM

You're welcome..

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